@cemalgnlts Bookmarks

Laws of UX

Laws of UX is a collection of best practices that designers can consider when building user interfaces.


Short Stack

Short Stack is a low contrast semi-geometric typeface inspired by childish written letters.

Type Scale - A Visual Calculator

Preview and choose the right type scale for your project. Experiment with font size, scale and different webfonts.

Doodle Ipsum

Illustration placeholders for developers. Powered by Blush

Articles - Ahmad Shadeed

Deep-dive CSS articles, modern CSS and visual CSS explanations.


Cook up app icons for any platform.


Space Mono

It might be good for a code editor.

Codrops | Collective

This is the archive page for Collective.

Animista - On-Demand CSS Animations Library

Animista is a CSS animation library and a place where you can play with a collection of ready-made CSS animations and download only those you will use.



Inter is a typeface carefully crafted & designed for computer screens.

Weekly Frontend News: Collective #786

QX82 * Fun with stroke-dasharray * Flexoki * When to Nest CSS


Flexoki is an inky color scheme for prose and code. Flexoki is designed for reading and writing on digital screens.

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